6:39 am Tate is awake and does a quick walk through the house to see if anyone else is up
6:41 am Tate finds mom feeding McCall and he quickly comes to snuggle up for his morning hugs and kisses. We sing happy birthday, talk about being 5 and all the fun changes that will happen in the coming year.
7:02 am Tate brings the phone to Mom so he can call uncle Mike and wish him a happy birthday as well. Mom explains that uncle Mike will be sleeping because it is 6 am where he is at (you are welcome uncle Mike!)
7:13 am Tate decides it is time for everyone to join in his birthday celebration and proceeds to wake up the entire household.
7:32 am Tate goes to get dressed and in the process removes all size 4T clothing from his closet, as he is now 5 and size 4 does not fit him anymore!
8:18 am Tate wants to call all the pre-school moms to let them know he is now too old for pre-school.
8:33 am Tate goes to pick up doughnuts with dad, his choice for birthday breakfast.
9:47 am Play on lego.com and word games on Dad's cell phone
I stopped keeping track at this point.
Tate was very prepared for his birthday, he had all his meals planned out weeks in advance (doughnuts for breakfast, Carl's Junior for lunch, pizza for dinner).
We went to Walmart a few days ago to get some ideas of what he would like for his birthday, he picked out just about anything he saw from hoola hoops to Legos! After giving mom some "suggestions" of presents he told me, "now I am going to forget about all those presents mom so I will be surprised!"
We had a fun day and are glad to have Tate around these parts. He is a fun loving little boy who brings us so much happiness and joy. But I am afraid the tantrums will not cease. Disappointment of not being taken swimming overcame him at bedtime. In his melt down he exclaimed, "I have been planning on swimming for a year!" Here's to another year of planning with Tate!
Hey there Tate man,
Happy 5th Birthday! Can't believe you're 5 already. Kara, you found my blog, thanks for your comment on my spring pixs. Chat with you later.
Happy Birthday, Birthday buddy. It was good to talk to you on the phone. Thanks for letting me sleep in.
Hi Kara,
What a kid, that Gage. I would have had heart failure. Darling picture of him asleep. And as for Tate, he is a character. Cute kids. Little Miss Piggy, is a doll. Next Wednesday we could do lunch or something? Let me know.
Love, Koe
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