Thursday, December 31, 2009
Catching Up
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
The boys most favorite part was taking a bath in Grandma and Grandpa's tub. They soaped themselves up and turned on the jets. Miraculously bubbles appeared, a lot of bubbles. They played in those until they were all pruny and shrivelled. The shrieks of laughter were contagious and they thoroughly enjoyed themselves.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Dear Santa ...
Thank goodness I was privy to their plans. Santa did indeed retrieve his bell and was even kind enough to leave them a note thanking them for returning it to him. It turns out it was one of Rudolph's bells and he had been missing it. Thank heavens it was returned!
Connor was thoughtful in his letter and made sure to let Santa know that Uncle Garyn would be there so to please leave him a few gifts, and thank you for the gifts from last year. He was so concerned with being polite and pleasing Santa that he neglected to ask for anything!
Gage had his brothers help, oddly enough I think there are only a few of those items that Gage actually wanted, the others he was tipped of on by his brothers.
Tate painstakingly wrote several letters to Santa, each one growing larger than the last. In the end he left out all three letters for him to peruse. He even, as an after thought, included a thank you on the last letter. But my favorite line is "I was good this time." Compared to last time?
When he was pleased with his letter writing he conceded to helping his little brother with his list. Gage's list looks a whole lot like Tate, just covering all his bases I think. I love Christmas with kids, it is so much more magical and I just love to see their expressions and joy in giving and receiving. Merry Christmas kids!
Christmas Eve PJ's
Christmas Eve at Temple Square
After the lights we gathered at our house to eat crepes. Mmmm, Garyn stayed with us for Christmas and treated us to french crepes, complete with berries, whipping cream and all the fixins'. I could do that again!
The Christmas Spirit
The Christmas Spirit
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Family Christmas Pictures

Sunday, December 20, 2009
Gingerbread Mania
McCall was already in bed for the night so I attempted to make hers, I had special pink candies and everything. In my mind it was going to be the cutest gingerbread house ever, and it was - but only in my mind. Ryan assembled it for me as I helped the boys out with theirs. Then I started decorating - cinnamon toast crunch shingles for the roof, pink m&m walkway, wreaths in the windows, icing icicles, such a beauty. In the middle of my decorating Gage paused from stuffing his face with candy and belted out, "Mom, your gingerbread house looks like a disaster!" For the life of me I could not understand what he was talking about, I thought it was looking good!
At that point it was time for the kids to get to bed. We tucked them in and did our nightly routine and Ryan and I headed back out to the kitchen to clean up the mess.
Lo and behold my gingerbread house had split in two and really was a disaster. Not sure how that happened, perhaps the superior engineering by Ryan?
Santa Claus is coming ...
Connor was VERY observant trying to find out if this was the real Santa or just a helper. In the end he just couldn't decide! He noticed this Santa did not need a pillow to stuff his suit, he DID have blue eyes, but the beard was fake ... hmmmm... his little mind was just a working. He watched very carefully when Santa left to see how he left, but Santa eluded him and left without a trace - which led to him finally deciding that it must be the real Santa and that his sleigh must have been up on the roof the whole time and he snuck away on it.
I love the believers!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009
The "throws" of motherhood
As I have been thinking about that statement a lot of things have come to mind, most of them experienced within the last two weeks.
- children "throwing" up
- cleaning "throw" up
- "throwing" snowballs
- "throwing" in the towel each night at bedtime
- "throwing" out garbage from countless school projects being brought home (as a side note, elementary schools must be the biggest money maker for loggers)
- "throwing" dirty clothes in the hamper, then in the washer, then the dryer
- "throwing" dinner together (pancakes tonight)
- "throwing" tantrums and trying to deal with them and discipline them
- "throwing" arms around each other each day to welcome the day and say goodnight
- "throwing" clothes on and breakfast in so we can get out the door on time
- "throwing" kids in the car and seat belts on
- "throwing" birthday parties (okay I am slacker at this one, but we did just celebrate McCall's first birthday)
So, if the "throws" of motherhood is more of this, bring it on, I love it. I have been finding motherhood to be the most wonderful full time job ever, and I am not just saying that. I really love the stage of life we are in, I love having all day with the kids and seeing them learning and growing and still willing to snuggle, give hugs and kisses and tell me they love me. I love being in the "throws of motherhood." Thank you for that blessing and gift.
Friday, December 4, 2009
McCall at One!

- Connor, "well, I'm not going to touch her!"
- Tate, "sick, I hate Barbies, I am NEVER going to play Barbies."
- Gage, "I love pink!"

But they have all played dolls with her, they have each taken turns picking out outfits for her, including bows, bracelets, tights, shoes, matching blankets, and they love it. They all fought over who would wear the pink tie in family pictures so they could match their sister. They wake up first thing in the morning to play with her in her crib, they have been known to change diapers without being asked - not always that helpful in the end, but they want to anything they can for her. Each of them willingly gives up anything they are playing with or eating for her when she screams for it. She has them wrapped around her tiny little fingers.
McCall is a very particular little girl. She has always preferred mom or men. But the last several months her very favorite has been grandpa. He dotes on her and gives her more attention than anyone and she eats it right up, of course she can melt his heart with her quick smile and huge dimple.
She loves to play with her "baby" and swords all at the same time. She can be perfectly content playing with her stacking cups and see one of her brothers with Legos or a car and scream until she gets it. Only to drop it and go back to her cups.
She is a great sleeper and napper, for which I am very grateful. She loves to have a schedule and stick to it. She tolerates being wrestled with and bounced around by her brothers. Her least favorite thing is being told NO, something that will have to be said more and more I am afraid. She is joy and we just love the little stinker.
White House
He thought on that awhile and asked me, "Mom, do you think people would vote for dad to be president?"
My reply, "nope, he is too nice a guy and has way to high of values."
He thought longer, "well, I really want to be a scientist and inventor when I grow up. But, if I am not smart enough to do that I guess I will be President instead."
Don't worry America, our future is in good hands!
Thanksgiving 2009
Thursday, December 3, 2009
BYU vs. Utah - Rivalry Week
We had the time of our lives this past week - it helps that BYU squeaked out the win against the (stinky) Utes. We are die had BYU fans and always have been. Our boys LOVE BYU and everything about it. Gage is recent convert to the team and is probably our most outspoken child about how much the Utes stink and how awesome BYU is, thanks to aunt Jana.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Cancel that!
As I was driving with him yesterday he out of the blue says to me, "Mom, I'm going to have to cancel my girlfriends."
I'm thinking, cancel? Did he have a date planned with them? What is he talking about? Turns out he wants to "break up" with them.
So I asked a few questions, "why do you need to cancel them?"
Gage answered, "well, they are Ute fans so I will have to cancel them. I'm a BYU fan and BYU fans can't have Ute girlfriends, so they are getting cancelled."
WOW! I had no idea we have so effectively brainwashed our children, now if only I can somehow do that with them picking up after themselves, cleaning and flushing the toilet, giving me daily foot massages, changing all the dirty diapers, etc.
We had a little discussion afterwards and decided that he wouldn't have to cancel his girlfriends after all, we can be good friends with people who like different teams than us. So I guess it is girlfriends back on! He even found a red Hershey's kiss to deliver today and leave on her porch. Only, it is rivalry week ... so we will be looking for blue kisses to deliver!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Holiday Boutique
Saturday, November, 21st
Open House 1-4pm
6865 South 3370 West
801.964.0233 (Deena)
crocheted hats/headbands/flower-clips,
advent calendars, paper bag albums,
nursing covers, baby BOOTies,
fun & unique handmade gifts....
Sunday, November 15, 2009
1. Ryan's car - I drove it to the gym in the morning and made it home with no incident. Ryan left to go to work and the car wouldn't start - nor has it since then. It sits in our driveway awaiting a tow truck.
2. Kara's van - Ryan crashed it into the curb yesterday during a snow storm. He will have to tell the story as I am still unclear how it all happened. Anyway, it does not drive now and also has to be towed. So we will be calling the repair shop and see if they give a discount for having two vehicles from the same pathetic family at the same time. A big THANK YOU to Brad and Tara for lending us their car - at great personal risk if you ask me!
3. My Computer - wireless card gave out, riddled with viruses, slow as tar - haven't missed it too much because Ryan let me borrow his old one until we can fix mine.
4. Ryan's old computer - that's right, it has also crashed, can't even get it to start. Not sure of the problem ... just aggravated at the moment!
5. Purse - while technically a purse cannot be broken, it can not be properly functional. My favorite (and only) purse that can double as a diaper bag had a sippy cup of milk poured into it by our sweet little girl. It covered my wallet, check book, carry along camera, cell phone, diapers and wipes and all those other great things found in a mothers purse.
6. Drill - our drill and/or both batteries for it died completely. This of course happened when I went to drill all the holes in the advent calendars that I made for the boutique this weekend. None of them got holes drilled in them and thus were not finished.
7. My favorite bowl - as I started this post I sent the boys with fresh scones to give to their dad and the other men doing tithing settlement tonight thinking that the poor fellas would be starved since being at the church since 8am this morning. Not the case, apparently their office is full of treats! But on the way back with an empty bowl Tate dropped it on the icy cement and brought it home to me in fragments and tears.
But he wasn't injured so at least he is not broken, except his little heart - but that was mended easily with a hug and reassurance that it was not his fault. I guess the most important things have been fixed and healed this week - all the rest are just expensive conveniences.
Here's to a better and less expensive week.
Monday, November 9, 2009
It's Coming... and I hope you do to!

Saturday, November 14th
1071 W. River Pine Circle (12100 South)
Time: 10:00-3:00
Call me or leave me a message if you need more details! Can't wait to see you!