Sunday, May 31, 2009
Sunday Naps
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Sunday Photos
But McCall was happy to stay in her outfit and I have been pretty excited to put up some pics of this raz ma taz get up. We had family pictures this past week and this was her outfit. I have to say, I have never had so much dressing her up! Seriously, one word, LEGGINGS! I absolutely love them and they were so cute and easy, I am having too much fun with this, it is my new guilty pleasure (not that I gave up any of my old ones, I just added another!). Perhaps one day she will look back at all these outfits and ask why did I ever dress her in those hideous clothes? Well, at least it is not polyester, no offense mom!
Weekly Gage Antics
Here is the run down of what went down this week:
Corn syrup - did you know it is nearly impossible to get the stick out of wood floors after corn syrup has been poured on them? While climbing in the pantry trying to get the Oreos on the top shelf he spilled a brand new bottle of corn syrup on the floor, potatoes, in the sugar and flour bins, and all around. I neglected to take the time to take pictures of this not so hilarious event. It took me a good half hour to clean up this mess, all the while dropping a few cuss words (mostly silently).
Fridge - did you know you also cannot hide Oreos in the cupboard above the fridge? Gage was caught three times within an hour on top of the fridge, hanging perilously with said Oreos in his hands. Dang Oreos, I won't be buying them again, even if they are on sale and the boys beg for them!
Baby food - after packing the church bag Saturday night I sent the boys to bed. Gage snuck out of his bed and into my room where he proceeded to eat all of McCall's cheerios in my BED! So I had crumbs to clean up in my bed, grrrrr, nothing like trying to sleep while picturing sugar ants invading my bed to catch the tiny morsels left behind by their good friend Gage. He is solely responsible for feeding all insects in the entire neighborhood!
Clothing - this is an ongoing mischievous behavior. Gage is constantly changing his clothes, he will wear anything and everything from costumes to his sisters sweaters that he can find. It drives me CRAZY! Not to mention all the extra laundry I have to do.
Garage - Gage has figured out how to escape the confines of our home into the dark abyss of the garage. He doesn't seem to mind the darkness, apparently he thinks he can hide some of his mis- deeds in the dinginess contained there in. He constantly gets into the freezer and leaves it open just to melt all the Popsicles. He knocks over every bike he encounters and moves tools around to new hiding places. But this was a new one for him,
Climbing on top the van! I found him up there happy as a clam and quickly realized he could not get down on his own. I took advantage of this babysitter - I left him up there long enough to get my floors mopped and vacuumed. He declined my assistance at getting down and chose to stay up there even longer. So, I finished dinner. He finally conceded to get down when it was dinner time. I may start putting him up there when I need an extra few minutes, or an hour, or.... I had better stop here!
We have resorted to letting Gage stay up with us one night per week so we can remember how much we love him when he is not getting into trouble. One on one he is so much fun to be with and so manageable, but this is not possible during the day, so we are doing what we can when we can to remind us of his sweetness. And believe me, we need that!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Down Pour
Kid Funnies
Connor came home from school today so excited that he got to see a "dead mans truck" today. I asked, what do you mean? He replied, "you know the truck you ride in at the end of your life." I am thinking it was a hearse! I guess it was vehicle day at school where the kids were able to see and play in firetrucks, police vehicles, ambulances, etc. But the dead mans truck was the best one, not sure why that was at the elementary school, perhaps morticians are recruiting earlier these days. And I thought people were dying for that job!
Tate asked if we could get a pet. I told him as soon as we have a bigger yard we can get a family pet for all of us to share. His suggestion? An ELK! He wants a pet elk so he wants us to get a really big yard!
Gage, everything that comes out of his mouth is hilarious! Everythind is freaking funny, freaking scary, freaking everything! While dressing up in his cousins dresses last weekend he informed us that those were boy dresses, not girl dresses!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Swim suit season
Another Green Dress
Ogden Marathon Relay

Friday, May 15, 2009
Give AWAY!!!
Random Act of Kindness
It is Ryan's birthday today and I have planned for months to get these great doughnuts for him to bring to the office for his birthday (he LOVES doughnuts). The boys were so excited to be in on the secret and were so helpful all morning getting ready to go.
We made it over to Beyond Glaze and waited in line to order our 1 1/2 dozen doughnuts. There was a gentleman in front of me who bought one doughnut and quietly left. When it was my turn to pay I was told that mine had been paid for already. I was a little perplexed and explained that I had not yet paid and I still needed to. The cashier informed me that the man in front of me wanted to pay for our order and so he had. SERIOUSLY, I got a little teary, nothing like that has ever happened to me before, and I am ashamed to say, I have not ever done anything like that before.
A perfect stranger did something so nice for me, my boys were elated and so excited that someone was SOOOO nice and generous.
I tried to get out to the parking lot quickly to thank the kind stranger, but he was gone and I was left with a smile and a warm feeling in my heart. I want to go back out and do something nice for someone else now, I will definatly be more aware of things that I can do to pay it forward.
My day has been so pleasant thanks to a kind act of a stranger. I wish I could have thanked him personally, but passing it on will have to do.
To the kind stranger - thank you for reminding me of kindness and generosity, thank you for the best gift you gave to my boys - a grateful heart and the desire to serve others. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Your thoughts...
Is it humane to de-claw infants? I mean, we do it to cats, dogs, even some birds, they don't seem to mind, and that is only to save couches. What about saving me?
It has been weighing on my mind lately as I clip fingernails for the umpteenth time, only to be clawed viciously each time I pick up my little "angel". Seriously, my neck, chest, and arms are covered with scratches. I can't escape all the lacerations given to me daily.
As for the boys, I am just tired of the filth that accumulates under their fingernails. I suppose I could paint their nails black so you don't see the dirty blackness under them, but the maintenance ... oh my. What is a mom to do?
Monday, May 11, 2009
Monday, May 4, 2009
Fire Safety
Well done, way to liken the scriptures unto yourself. I was going for the obedience and not being afraid to stick up for what is right and courage lesson, but fire safety is good too!
Then at the end of the chapter king Nebuchadnezzar (try spelling that without using a reference!) made a decree that anyone who shall speak evil against the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego "shall be cut in pieces, and their houses be made a dunghill." I don't know about you but I would not like to be cut into pieces. Again, this is not what concerned the boys. They immediately were grossed out and asked, "does that mean they will have to live in poo houses? I would never want to live in a poo house!"
Given the two options, I would choose poo house. I hope they got something good out of that! I guess the scriptures really do teach everything, today we had fire safety and hygiene!
Friday, May 1, 2009
Princess Chubb Chubb
She has also learned to spit and spends all day spitting and chatting at us. She has so many talents! No matter what diaper we put on her, she can blow out of it, she can drool enough to soak outfit after outfit, and she can laugh hysterically at her brothers pulling crazy faces and she can reach her toes (which is more than I can do).
I can't tell you how many people stop me in the grocery stores, etc to tell me that I have a "live cabbage patch doll". Well, that might be great, except I always though those dolls were a little funny looking. I think she may look a little more like the Michellin Man baby. Either way, we love this little girl, she has melted our hearts.