Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I only doggie paddle!

I recently came across a list of 100 goals that I wanted to accomplish from college. One of my professors had us complete this list as part of our curriculum. I did it as an assignment and probably really thought seriously about the first 50 goals, then just started listing them to try to come up with a hundred.
I finally came up with 100 and got my "A" grade on the project and neatly filed the list away with the few assignments I actually saved. So when I found it I was excited to read it. I was utterly amazed at how many of the goals I have accomplished over the last 13 years (it hurts to write that!). I was surprised that I can cross so many off that list, close to 3/4 of them without even looking at that list and consciously thinking of them.
But there are two on there that have me especially concerned - funny that they both have to do with physical fitness. That is where the fear comes in.
The first unfinished goal is to run a half marathon. I actually think that I can do that one if I can keep up the training. Thanks to my sister-in-laws who got me started running again this past year to participate in the Ogden marathon relay - my portion was only 5 miles. But it was so much fun that I am looking forward to doing it again. The plan is to follow that up with a half marathon in the fall.
But the second unfinished goal is what scares me. Participate in and complete a triathlon. What was I thinking? I was hired to be the photographer for three triathlons this summer and I really enjoyed them from behind the camera. In fact it made me want to do one. But I have a slight problem - I only doggie paddle.


Turbo said...

I didn't know that you also did sports photography. That's awesome. I have been wanting to do a tri, for a while, now too. Swimming would definitely by my weakest leg, as well.

jenjermad said...

You know I have that swimming pool in my backyard you could practice in. That was if you got scared you would be able to touch. Good luck with that list. I'm amazed you accomplished so much.

TL said...

swimming would be my problem too, maybe we could train together! Have you ever heard of speed doggie paddling? I'm sure it exists and if it doesn't we should perfect it! :)

Lauri said...

So what's wrong with doggie paddling? Go, Kara!

Lia said...

I'm a doggie paddler too!!!! I thought about getting a group together for the DB tri this year, but no one I spoke to wanted to do the swimming and I know I didn't want to do it either. I guess this year would have been the ideal year to do it though!! Ha ha ha! (Refering to the lack of swimming due to the round worm infestation)

Kobe Family said...

Ithink we could do it doggie paddling if we were wearing 5mm wet suits! I'll do it with you if I can wear one of those...and some fins...and goggles...