Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I Rest My Case... an addendum to my future daughter in law

Not one hour after my previous post, this is what I found...

How dare I sit down for 10 minutes, seriously a scanty 10 minutes, to feed the baby. You know something is wrong when there is beautiful silence around 5:15 pm. After feeding the baby and on my way to get dressed for enrichment tonight I found my bedroom door locked. Darn kids... locked my door... no big deal. But then when my bathroom door was locked I started to worry, even more so when the overwhelming scent of acetone wafted through the door. I quickly unlocked it and found my sweet, innocent Gage all painted beautifully. He quickly flashed me his million dollar smile and said, "it's washable mom!" WOW!
This may be the first time I was composed enough to get my camera out and document the damage. Thankfully it was mostly on him and a small bathroom rug. Not sure what he was thinking, if anything at all!
To top it off, my boys informed me at dinner that Dad is "the bomb" because he tells them yes when I tell them no. Sounds like we will need to be having parenting 101 classes.
Please send help quickly, this is my cry for help, is anyone out there listening... please, save the children!


Karli said...

I'd offer a trade straight across... Gage for Walker but I am thinking that Gage may be taking the cake for 'naughty little boy' at the moment. You can keep him. :)

Amy said...

Oh, I'm sorry, Kara! Just remember you can use this against him when he's older! I mean, really, a BOY will NAIL POLISH on! Sheesh!

Michelle said...

Send them to Aunt Butch's house. I will throw them into the mix up here!

Anna said...

Two words: wedding video.

TL said...

Ahh I love that little guy.

Unknown said...

Ginny wants to know if Gage had to go to time out. Actually, that was her first reaction after seeing the pictures- Did he have to got to time out? She understands the gravity of the situation.