But I want you to know that Gage has tried my patience to the nth degree so it should be out of his system by the time you get him. I know I won't be the perfect mother-in-law, that role has already been filled, but I will try. But regardless of how "good" I will be, you will owe me for eternity. My sweet little boy is a true menace, every waking moment is filled with intrigue, mess making, scandals, and insanity. This will some day be your husband. But rest assured I will have taken care of more or less of his finer points by the time he gets to you, so please don't complain about the toothpaste on the mirror, or socks left out, or the toilet seat left up. I am working on bigger things!
I am pretty sure he will be out of his "hide everything in crazy places" stage, i.e. his blanket in the vegetable crisper, baked potatoes in the back of cupboards (wrapped in dishtowels of course), microwave popcorn under his bed (wrapped with a bow, just in case he needed a present for someone later), his shirt somewhere at grandma's (we have yet to find that one!). Yes, he is a stinker and some days I grit my teeth and search every nook and cranny, other days I want to hide and wait for his Dad to come home (I won't tell you which day today is!).
He may or may not be out of the "change my clothes 17 times a day" stage. I am trying, but the closet calls his name all day long, beckoning him to try on just one more outfit. You may not know this is possible, but one can wear 7 pairs of underwear and 5 pull ups all at once and not be in any discomfort at all. I promise to also work on the cross dressing with him ... he should grow out of doll clothes eventually, right?
But then there are nap days, and may I suggest you use these to your advantage, because he is never more angelic!
Oh how I DO NOT envy you! I HATE HATE HATE the 17 outfits a day thing. We are s...l...o...w...l...y getting out of that stage, like maybe down to 13 outfits a day... and the layered underwear thing... let me know if you ever figure that one out. Good luck and know that I am suffering with you.
You make me :)! I love that the closet calls his name. Taylor's eyes are always getting him into trouble..."mom, my eyes told me to!" Who knew eyes were possible of such conversations?!
Just wait until McCall is 3. Then she will be changing dresses and princess gowns several times a day. Start looking for princess gowns now, or, knowing you, start making them now.
You will be an awesome mother-in-law! Whip those girls into shape:)
That is too cute! And what a lucky girl she will be :) I also love that he painted his own nails--as I was recently trying to paint Kennedy's red, Bridger decided he wanted me to make his toenails "bloody" like Kennedy's. I'm sure that's what Gage was going for too... :)
Oops, sorry Kara--that was me before--I was working on Lori's blog and forgot I was signed in :)
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