Meet Mr. Theodore Roosevelt, aka Teddy, aka 26th President of the USA

It was biography day today in his second grade and the students were to pick any person in history to learn about and then present to the class.
I gave him lots of suggestions,
he didn't like any of them.
Seriously, who doesn't like John Wayne? George Washington? Joseph Smith?
Martin Luther King Jr.?
He chose Teddy Roosevelt.
For a very good reason ...
That was his number one factor in choosing him.
Not even sure why, I don't know that he was ever in scouts, but Connor thought it would be the perfect costume.
Turns out that it was also a good excuse to watch Night at the Museum again - as he is a main character in it.
Clever boy.
Just a side note, be very careful when checking out books at the library.
Teddy Roosevelt is very close to Franklin Roosevelt.
Please remember I am a foreigner here, and I was in a hurry!
Well, turns out Ryan is not fond of FDR and I was told,
"my son is not doing a report on FDR!"
Well, my mistake was realized, our marriage was saved and Connor did a great job on his report.