My kids have been BEGGING to go to "Diary of a Wimpy Kid", or as Gage calls it "Diarrhea of a Wimpy Kid". He has the hardest time saying diary for some reason, so it always comes out as diarrhea.
So instead I have had him calling it "Journal of a Wimpy Kid".
Today was finally their day to go, they finished all their work, Connor and Tate finished reading the books and they have been relatively "fight free" all week.
So it was their day.
Ryan offered to stay home with McCall, but I knew he was super busy with work and the campaign so I told him no problem, I have it covered. My friend, Luci, volunteered to take both Gage and McCall, but Gage wanted to go and I knew Luci was busy with friends coming into town tonight. So I didn't want to take advantage of her, besides, I had this covered.
I am a pro after all.
The kids were so good at the movie, at least it started out that way. Some of you may remember my last movie experience talking all four kids on my own, I wrote about it
Well, this was on par for that day as well.
This time avoid Theatre #18 Row 8, Seats 8-11.
And my lap (that was mostly for James' information, he has a tendency to ... well, that is another story).
Back to the theatre. Everyone was enjoying their popcorn and sodas, a must have while attending the movies. McCall was even quietly sitting on my lap, being unusually good for a movie. When I suddenly felt very warm, and wet!
We were the only ones in the theatre with the exception of 3 other people clear at the top. Not wanting to get all three boys out of their seats with popcorn set on the floor, drinks put down and missing part of the movie, I just decided to change McCall right on my lap, on her blanket of course. Well, it was then that I discovered that Gage had been right all along. This really was "Diarrhea of a Wimpy Kid"! To the max!
I got her cleaned up and changed, by this time, too late to take her to the bathroom. Connor was good enough to run out and throw the diaper away. She was now in just a t-shirt and shoes.
Phew, dodged the bullet there!
Well, I made the mistake of letting her down to walk around in front of us, there was lots of room for her to roam and with no one there for her to bother, I thought, why not? She bee lined it for the boys soda. Spilled root beer all over every body's feet and of course herself. Grrrrr, oh well, now our feet were sticking to the floor, but most movie theatre floors are prone to stickiness anyway.
I cleaned it up with a few napkins and wet wipes and went back to watching the movie with the boys while she walked right in front of me.
It came to a particularly funny part of the movie, about some cheese that had sat in the school yard forever and no one dared touch it because then you would have the "cheese touch". Which apparently was a terrible faux pas for middle school, putting you on the bottom rung of the ladder. Pretty funny stuff.
Well in the middle of that, McCall turned around to and started whining. I looked at her and found that she had taken off her diaper and then stepped in it. Turns out she had another blow out! CRAP! Now what was I to do? With the movie nearly over I changed her once again. How does that happen? Twice?
As soon as the movie was over we high tailed it out of there. We went through the doors to the outside and Tate quipped, "McCall definitely has the "cheese touch"!" We all had a great laugh and will never forget our outing to "Diarrhea of a Wimpy Kid."
Next time I will not be taking all the kids on my own, turns out I will not be winning mother of the year again! 8 years running! I better go refill my diaper bag with diapers and wipes, before I forget....