Sunday, September 20, 2009

Growing up too fast

I wish I could freeze today. The kids are growing up too fast for my liking. The boys are best friends and play together all day every day, coming up with amazing lego creations, fun role plays, they are quick to give hugs and kisses and do kind things for each other. I just want them to stay this age.
McCall is a tiny bit independent so she can play on her own for a few minutes at a time, she can feed herself and sleep through the night. Now if she could just stay this age forever. This morning as we went to church and entered the chapel she saw her dad sitting up front, she yelled out Dada! and pointed up at him, all the while trying to escape my arms to get to him faster. She was so thrilled to see him.
Thank you for this beautiful day - a nap helped out too :)


Nielson said...

Your kids are so sweet!

Amy said...

Kara, your kids are so cute! I feel the same! My kids are growing too fast too!

Unknown said...

Even when Gage gets into all his mischief? Such beautiful children!