Friday, July 17, 2009


A few of my favorite parade entrants! I love marching bands, soldiers, bag pipes, cowboys and missionaries.

And who doesn't love honest Abe? Seriously, I thought this was a pretty good impersonator, if only he were about a foot taller I think he could be his clone.
And it doesn't get any more American than Captain America, he has taken a few years off and has filled out some, but still, he IS Captain America!Look at these marching band uniforms, seriously so cool. I have been trying to talk my boys into playing an instrument, drums, trombones, bag pipes - only I am worried about a practice place because I can't take any more noise around here!Called to Serve! The missionaries of the Provo, Utah mission march each year in the parade. They were distanced out from the cheerleaders for the parade route, but in the staging area, they were set up right next to them - not right!This guy was my all time favorite of the parade. I wonder how long it took him to grown that fabulous mustache, and the "costumes", SO COOL! I almost wanted to be Scottish.

1 comment:

Rubie Purcell Arnold said...

Those were awesome pictures of the parade. That looked like tons of fun. Felt like I was really there through you pictures (smiles).