Thursday, February 10, 2011

Nine is Divine!

Connor is 9!!
Where has the time gone?
He is such a nice boy and just starting to go through the awkward phase of life - so is he a "tween"?
We celebrated his birthday a little early so we could all be together. We met with the Ainsworth's over at the Classic Skate and Fun center. It was great fun.
The boys all were determined to learn how to roller skate or Rollerblade. That only lasted a few minutes after they had decided that it was way more difficult than they imagined it to be!

Connor has grown up so much lately. He has become so responsible and helpful with everything around the house. All the kids love having Connor help them do anything. I'm so proud of Connor for the boy he chooses to be each day. He is kind and sweet to everyone and has such a sensitive side to him. We are looking forward to doing our birthday photo shoot in DC - waiting for a warmer day :)

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