Tuesday, August 10, 2010

First Day of School 2010

With year round school in these here parts July sped by and the boys were back at it again before we even knew we had had a "summer break."
But they were so excited that it just didn't matter to them!
Connor spent some time showing Tate the ropes, told him which monkey bars to stay off of, lest he should break and arm, introduced him to the lunchroom and which table to sit at, gave him all sorts of great advice that every 1st grade child would need.
Then he was off to find his friends.
Tate was pretty darn confident. He found his class line and dismissed me.
He no longer needed me and was somewhat embarrassed that I was there.
He actually asked me to not come with him to class anymore.
Connor still holds my hand, hugs me and tells me he loves me before he goes off with his friends.
Tear ...
But they are happy to be back! Not sure how the girls will handle these handsome boys.
Connor was thrilled to be with Spencer and looks for him at lunchtime and recess - his favorite subjects :)
Good luck this year boys, you will do great things.


Nielson said...

Such cute boys :) Gotta love how different kids can be from the same parents!

Lia said...

I really hated it when my kids started to shun me on that first day back at school. Now, I'm kinda over it. It's nice to say goodbye on the door step, turn around, sigh and go about my day. You'll get there! Cute boys, hope they have an awesome year!